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Protest Due to the Lack of Funds for the Treatment of Serious Diseases in FBiH

The harsh reality of Bosnia and Herzegovina is that the most difficult patients are forced to seek their rights on the streets, the patients say.

Civil society organizations that gather patient users of the services of the Solidarity Fund of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Centers of Civil Initiatives held a peaceful protest in front of the Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina today, from which they called on the Parliament to ask the Government of the FBiH to provide the necessary money for the work of the Solidarity Fund of the FBiH, reports Fena. .

CCI coordinator Dalibor Đerić explained that in March of this year the Committee for Economic and Financial Policy of the House of Representatives of the PFBiH ordered the FBiH Government to adopt the budget request of the Institute of Health Insurance and Reinsurance of the FBiH, and to provide the additional funds needed for the work of the FBiH Solidarity Fund.

“However, the FBiH Government did not comply with that decision. Of the additional 211 million KM of the Budget rebalance, not a single KM was allocated for the FBiH Solidarity Fund. Therefore, with a peaceful protest, we are trying to point out the problem and call the FBiH Government to account,” said Đerić.

The most difficult patients are forced to seek rights on the street

The harsh reality of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as Enida Glušac from the Association of People Suffering from Breast Cancer and Other Malignant Diseases “Renesansa” said, is that the most difficult patients are forced to seek their rights on the streets, and they are not asking for anything except what belongs to them by law – the right to treatment and the right to life.

“It is very difficult when there is a cure, but because of the lack of enforcement of the law, people are forced to be on the streets. There are more and more patients in Bosnia and Herzegovina. There are as many as 209 women on waiting lists for breast cancer metastasis, which is an awful lot. Whether the Parliament will make a decision tomorrow and include the Health Insurance Institute, the Solidarity Fund for us means life in the rebalancing of the Budget. Someone here is playing with our health and our lives, and we didn’t deserve it,” said Glušac.

Elvira Muhić from the Association for Cystic Fibrosis in the FBiH recalled that after the protests they held in June, they received a promise that the Government of the FBiH would redirect two million KM for the purchase of the drug Kaf-trio.

Citizens are still optimistic

“It is an example of absurdity in the country we live in, because the same FBiH Government does not respect the law it has prescribed, does not pay funds to the Solidarity Fund where it should, and on the other hand, they refuse to purchase a vehicle fleet for the benefit of children,” Muhić said. .

The gathered citizens and families of seriously ill patients are optimistic and still believe that the FBiH Government and parliamentarians will support them and approve funds for the treatment of seriously ill patients.

They expect that the representatives of the Parliament of FBiH will ask the Government of FBiH to allocate additional funds for the Solidarity Fund in the rebalancing of the Budget, but also that the framework budget document for the coming years be harmonized with the Law on Health Insurance of FBiH.

