Home » O’brien Confirmed the Arrival of NATO in BiH if EUFOR Remains Without a Mandate
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O’brien Confirmed the Arrival of NATO in BiH if EUFOR Remains Without a Mandate

During his testimony before the US Senate Foreign Policy Committee, the candidate for Deputy Secretary of State for Europe indicated the possibility of reducing Dodik’s ‘money control’.

At the Senate Foreign Policy Committee, the testimony of four nominated diplomats proposed by the White House, who must be confirmed in the Senate of the United States Congress, was reported by Al Jazeera reporter Ivica Puljić from Washington.

He adds that among them was Jim O’Brien, who was nominated for the position of Deputy Secretary of State for Europe.

Senator Jeanne Shaheen asked how the emphasized rhetoric of the president of the Bosnian entity Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik against the unification of BiH could affect instability and whether there was concern that it could affect the renewal of EUFOR’s mandate in the UN.

Reduce Dodik’s money control

O’Brien replied that Dodik controls the government in one part of BiH, “he wants to control the resources and all the funds that come from those resources”.

“We are able to reduce his control of money and that is part of his challenge. Together with the EU and the high representative, we tell him that this is unacceptable, that there will be clear consequences and that he must give up such behavior,” he continued.

“The military forces in BiH are crucial for security. We have clearly said, whether they are under EUFOR or the NATO alliance in some capacity, their presence is crucial.”

Puljić points out that with this Jim O’Brien confirmed that, in the event that EUFOR’s one-year mandate in the UN is not extended, NATO peacekeeping forces would be deployed in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

