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Kosovo Charges Ethnic Serb With Crimes Against Humanity

The Kosovo prosecution has charged a former member of Serbian armed forces with involvement in crimes against humanity against ethnic Albanian civilians during the Kosovo war, including killings, torture and beatings.

Kosovo’s Special Prosecution announced on Wednesday that it has filed an indictment charging a former member of Serbian armed forces, identified only by the initials S.T., with committing crimes against humanity against ethnic Albanian civilians during the Kosovo war.

The prosecution alleged in a statement that during the 1998-99 Kosovo war, the suspect, who is an ethnic Serb, was involved in “murder, raids, beatings, mistreatment, arrest, torture, cruel and inhumane treatment, keeping [people] in conditions of slavery, [and] the expulsion and deportation of thousands of Albanian civilians”.

It also alleged that he was involved in “the looting, burning and destruction of the houses of the civilian population of Albanian nationality who did not directly participate in the conflict”.

It said that he committed the crimes in the village of Reznik in the Vushtrri/Vucitrn municipality and in surrounding villages in the area, individually and in complicity with others, as a member of Serbian police and military forces.

This is the second war crimes indictment that the Kosovo Special Prosecution has announced this week.

On Monday, the prosecution said it had filed an indictment charging an ethnic Roma ex-member of Serbian armed forces, identified only by the initials I.B., with expelling ethnic Albanians from their homes and looting and burning their property during the Kosovo war.

Source : Balkaninsight
