Home » Female Students Who Glorified Mladić Were Prevented From Continuing Their Studies at UNSA
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Female Students Who Glorified Mladić Were Prevented From Continuing Their Studies at UNSA

In the statement of the Faculty of Criminology, it was stated that female students committed a serious violation of discipline, which grossly damages the reputation of the University of Sarajevo.

Valentina Vujičić and Slađana Todić, students of the Sarajevo Faculty of Criminology, Criminology and Security, were prevented from continuing their studies for three years, the University of Sarajevo announced.

Disciplinary proceedings were initiated against them, because on July 11, the day marking the 28th anniversary of the genocide in Srebrenica, they glorified Ratko Mladić.

According to the Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina, glorification of war crimes is a criminal offense, reports RSE.

In the statement of the Faculty of Criminology, it was stated that female students committed a serious violation of discipline, which grossly damages the reputation of the University of Sarajevo.

“I use the opportunity to invite all students of the University of Sarajevo to refrain from using hate speech, offensive, sexist and discriminatory speech, divisive language and other related narratives, taking into account positive legal regulations, their personal reputation and the reputation of the University, as well as the far-reaching harmful consequences that such narratives have in our society”, said dean Jasmin Ahić.

The Prosecutor’s Office of BiH formed a case

In the meantime, Vujičić and Todić received an invitation from the director of the Security and Information Agency of Serbia, Aleksandar Vulin, to continue their studies at the National Security Academy in Belgrade.

At a press conference on July 19, the Rector of the University of Sarajevo, Rifat Škrijelj, stated that the University of Sarajevo will consider cooperation with the University of Belgrade, if those two students continue their studies in Serbia.

On July 13, the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina filed a case against female students based on a report from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Sarajevo Canton.

