Home » Dodik on the Meeting With Milanović on Hvar: Vučić Gave Me His Helicopter
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Dodik on the Meeting With Milanović on Hvar: Vučić Gave Me His Helicopter

Those who question the fact that I am traveling in Vučić’s helicopter have no idea about life, taught the President of Bosnia and Herzegovina. entity Repulika Srpska.

The president of the Bosnian entity Repulika Srpska Milorad Dodik confirmed that last week he traveled to Hvar to meet with the Croatian president Zoran Milanović in the helicopter used by the president of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić, but he does not see anything controversial in that because, as he says, it is a civil matter and not military aircraft.

“It’s a helicopter used by Vučić, ours is on regular service. I asked (Vučić) to give it to me, there are no problems,” said Dodik in an interview published by the Banja Luka newspaper Glas Srpske , Hina reported.

Dodik’s meeting with Milanović on Hvar on July 25 caused numerous reactions, especially because of the manner in which President Dodik arrived in Croatia and the aircraft he used to do so. After Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković asked Milanović to explain the unannounced meeting with Dodik on Hvar, the office of the President of Croatia said that it was a “normal working meeting” about which the MUP had been informed.

Dodik now says that those who question the fact that he travels in Vučić’s helicopter “have no idea about life.” If it is not a military helicopter, as he points out, it can be freely flown anywhere, and the only thing that is important is to report it in a timely manner.

As for his reasons for going to Hvar, he said that Milanović is first of all an interesting interlocutor.

‘I think we understand each other’

“It was important for me to maintain the attention of the Croatian state regarding the position in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We like that approach in which attention is paid to the constitution of the people and the organization of Bosnia and Herzegovina in accordance with the constitution”, said Dodik.

He claims that he also spoke with Milanović about his stays in Bosnia and Herzegovina, that is, in Derventa, where the Croatian president awarded decorations to the 103rd HVO brigade and some of its members in March. This caused a storm of condemnation from Bosnian Serb politicians, who demanded that the Croatian president be declared an undesirable person in Bosnia and Herzegovina. entity Repulika Srpska.

Dodik now tried to blame everything on the Catholic Church “in whose corridors”, as he claims, the awarding of decorations was agreed upon, and he stated that this is not acceptable for the RS.

“I talked about it with Milanović and I think we understood each other,” said Dodik.

When asked if Milanović objected to the announced commemoration of August 4 in Prijedor as “the day of the persecution of Serbs from Croatia”, he answered vaguely.

“It’s not easy when they (Croatia) celebrate victory and we lay wreaths. But they, like us, have the right to their own access. We cannot forbid them, just as they cannot forbid us,” said Dodik, who also invited Vučić to Prijedor on Friday.

